Speed Networking
Thursday, September 19, 2019
4:00 - 6:00 PM
119 King Street, Madison WI
(Parking is available via street or public ramps throughout downtown)
$10 for Members
$15 for Guests
Do you find networking hard? Or you just don’t have the time? Or are you new the area and want to meet other talent development or human resources professionals? Join us on September 19th for an exciting event held in downtown Madison.
Networking can be one of the most powerful and productive actions an individual can do to launch and manage their career. Building a connected group of relationships with others is at the core of a person’s effectiveness both personally and professionally. Whether you are a student, someone starting out in your career, or seasoned professional - having a network of people you can tap into for information, advice and opportunities, while sharing your own, is tantamount to helping you be successful.
Join us for this exciting and engaging speed networking event. You’ll meet a variety of peers within the HR and Training world. You’ll learn why networking is important, how to do it effectively, and how to do it so you don’t burn out (introverts - we’re talking to you!). ATD-MAC is excited to host this at Madison's Downtown in their lower bar. For the cost of your registration you’ll get two drinks and we will provide light appetizers. You’ll walk away from the event with some post event actions guaranteed to keep your connections going.
Andrea Meade
Ellen Bartkowiak
Have questions about this event, email us.